Lynn K
11 years ago
Hi John,
So far, so good. I love your web site. I was wondering if you were able to change the time slots...10:30am-6:00pm, then 6:00pm-10:30am.
Lynn Kozak
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John D
11 years ago
Hi Lynn - thank you for the feedback on the site - it's always great to hear positive comments.

As far as the slot timing, as you have probably noticed, all the slots have to be the same length of time. We made this decision early on in development and it looks to be fairly difficult to change it. We do have it on our schedule to talk through for the next big release however.

In the meantime, we are adding a new slot option that will allow you to choose 3 eight hour slots - which may give you a little more flexibility to do what you need to do there.

Let me know if anything else comes up and I'll be in touch with possible scheduler changes as we figure them out.


John Davis
Lynn K
11 years ago
Hi John,

Thanks for the scheduler info. We are working with a 10:30am-6:0pm then 6:00pm-10:30am time slot. All of the members are fine with that and it seems to working.

Question: When you have to enter %'s/member what exactly does that do/mean? We have 4 full members so I gave each 25%. A new member has signed on and he is paying a fee/usage and gas, not a full membership. We are obviously fine with this arrangement. He has been a full member in the past. We may have another full membership in the next few days. How does this reflect on the %'s.

If I have an understanding of the way the %'s work I can take it from there.

And yes, we love your site.

John D
11 years ago
Hi Lynn - sorry about the delay - I missed this email.

Regarding the scheduler times, we are working on a custom time slot function where you can set the number of slots you want and the begining and ending time of each slot - hopefully should be done this week.

As far as the percentages, those percentage reflect the amount of time a member gets on the boat. So if you set each member at 25%, each one would get 25% of the premium slots per month and 25% of the standard slots per month.

The only problem with adding another member at 20% when you have 4 members at 25% is that if every member attempted to book all their time, someone wouldn't get their fair share. In my experience it is very unlikely to happen but it could. Unless you are contractually obligated to set their percentages at 25, you could just reduce everyone to 20% ...

Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I'll update you once we release the code for the new custom time slots.


John Davis
Lynn K
11 years ago
Thanks for the email. The %'s make sense now. As for the slot times, that would be great to make up our own times. So far the site is working very well.

John D
11 years ago
Hi Lynn - we have just completed the custom time slot thing and are in the process of testing it - it was a big change to the scheduler code so it may take a couple of days to get it fully tested. I'll let you know when we release it.


John Davis
Lynn K
11 years ago
That's fantastic John. Good Luck going live.

John D
11 years ago
Hi Lynn - we just released the custom time slot functionality and a few others - have a look at https://www.nauticalmonk...hanges-and-enhancements/  for details and let me know if you run into any problems.